Still excellent, after all these years
After an extensive, some would say gruelling, mid-term evaluation, NOKUT has decided that the three centres up for evaluation – bioCEED, CEMPE and MatRIC – will continue on as Centres for Excellence (SFU).
Spring/summer edition of The SFU magazine out now
Read the latest news from Norway’s leading educational communities.
Interim evaluation of three Centres for Excellence begins
Yesterday, the panel appointed to evaluate three Centres for Excellence in Education met for the first time.

Kick off for new Centres for Excellence in Education: “The Norwegian approach is unique and has great potential”
Future focused, seeking inter-disciplinary approaches and strong on student engagement. These are the characteristics of the new Centres for Excellence in Education (SFUs) as described by the chair of the expert panel.
27 million euro to excellent education in Norway
On 1 November, excellent education in Norway was celebrated at an event organized by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT).
Today the international expert panel revealed the nine finalists that will compete for the status as Centre for Excellence in Education.
Helpful advice on the road towards status as a Centre of Excellence in Education
Include your students, document excellence thoroughly and reflect upon what kind of documentation you present in your application. This was one of the advice given at NOKUT’s seminar for SFU applicants.