Evaluations of quality in education
Evaluations are part of NOKUT’s work to assure and enhance quality in education. NOKUT conducts national, comparative evaluations of selected groups of study programmes. These will often be study programmes within a particular academic subject, but NOKUT may also conduct thematic evaluations of quality across subject areas.
Objectives for NOKUT’s evaluations of quality in education
NOKUT’s evaluations should generate knowledge about quality in education and facilitate quality enhancement. Evaluations are not designed to investigate compliance, but to identify key challenges and good practice, and to give recommendations for quality enhancement. The evaluation process should facilitate learning through the exchange of experience and knowledge, and the evaluation results are published in a final report.
Legislative framework for NOKUT’s evaluations of quality in education
The legislative framework for NOKUT’s evaluations of quality in education are:
- Act relating to universities and university colleges
- Regulations concerning quality assurance and quality development in higher education and tertiary vocational education (pdf)
NOKUT’s evaluations are also included in the national framework for evaluations of Norwegian research and higher education (see nasjonalt rammeverk for evaluering av forskning og høyere utdanning [in Norwegian]), which requires evaluations to contribute to the institutions’ quality work, to knowledge-based policymaking, to good public information about quality in education, to public trust in higher education, and to transparency in the use of public funds.
NOKUT’s evaluations are designed and completed in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the Higher Education Area (ESG 2015). These standards and guidelines have been incorporated in NOKUT’s Principles for external evaluations, which were formally introduced in 2022.
The evaluation process
Below is an overview of key elements in NOKUT’s evaluation process.
Illustration of the process