NLA University College Meets All Accreditation Criteria as a University College
After NOKUT's review, it is now confirmed that NLA University College retains its accreditation as a university college.

"It is pleasing to see that both the academic environment and research activities have been strengthened, and that we can now conclude this matter. The expert committee has determined that all the criteria for accreditation as a university college have been met, and that the university college is making progress in key areas. NOKUT's board has now made a decision in line with this assessment," says NOKUT Director Kristin Vinje.
With today’s decision by NOKUT's board, the revision of NLA University College's institutional accreditation is concluded.
The committee’s report was sent to NLA University College on August 23, and on August 29, the college submitted its official statement. In their response, they wrote that "the report provides a very good summary of the college's expertise and research compared to other Norwegian higher education institutions that are natural to compare with."
About the Process
The revision of NLA University College’s accreditation as a university college has been ongoing since 2019. In December 2021, NOKUT's board concluded that the college did not meet all the criteria for accreditation as a university college and that it needed to address these shortcomings. The deficiencies highlighted at the time were related to research activity, academic staff, and the qualifications of senior academic positions. The university college was given two years to rectify these issues.
All requirements have now been met, and the expert committee’s report confirms that NLA has made progress and is now at the same level as other accredited university colleges, meeting the criteria for academic staff and research.
About NLA University College
NLA University College is a private university college accredited by NOKUT in 2006, then under the name "NLA Bachelor- og masterstudier (NLA Bachelor- and Master’s Studies)." This institution merged with "NLA Lærerhøgskolen (NLA Teacher's College) in 2010, and the new institution was named "NLA University College." The college is organized as a limited company and is owned by six Christian organizations and one religious community. The owners are Normisjon, Norwegian Lutheran Mission, The Norwegian Mission Society, The Norwegian Inner Mission Association, The Norwegian Christian Student and School Association, Norwegian Sunday School Association, and The Evangelical Lutheran Free Church. Since 2010, NLA University College has undergone several expansions and mergers, and today the college has four campuses located in Bergen, Oslo, and Kristiansand. NLA University College is organized into seven academic departments:
- Department of Teacher Education, Bergen and Oslo
- Department of Pedagogy, Bergen
- Department of Intercultural Studies, Kristiansand and Bergen
- Department of Theology, Religion, and Philosophy, Bergen, Oslo, and Kristiansand
- Department of Journalism, Media, and Communication, Kristiansand
- Department of Music, Oslo
- Department of Economics and Administration (Hauge School of Management, HSM), Oslo
NLA University College offers a range of bachelor's and master's programs within these subject areas, and according to DBH, there were 2,476 registered students in 2023. NLA University College does not currently offer accredited Ph.D. programs. As an accredited university college, NLA University College can establish new bachelor's programs without applying to NOKUT for degree accreditation. This mandate does not extend to master’s and doctoral degrees.