Bergen School of Architecture Meets All Requirements for Accreditation as a University College

Bergen School of Architecture (BAS) has now been accredited as a university college after NOKUT approved the institution's systematic quality assurance work.

Logo: Bergen School of Architecture (BAS)
Logo: Bergen School of Architecture (BAS)

One of the requirements for institutional accreditation is that the systematic quality assurance work is approved by NOKUT. BAS’s application for university college accreditation was assessed by an expert committee and reviewed by NOKUT’s board in February 2024. The board decided that accreditation could be granted once the systematic quality assurance work was approved. NOKUT approved the systematic quality assurance work last week.

– We congratulate BAS on its institutional accreditation, which means they will have authority to accredit their own study programs at bachelor-level. NOKUT’s approval allows BAS to apply to the Ministry of Education for a change in institutional category. The final decision on the change in status will be made by the King in Council, says NOKUT Director Kristin Vinje.

The expert committee that evaluated the application for university college accreditation highlighted in its assessment that BAS contributes high-quality research and artistic development work and has made its mark internationally. BAS also has satisfactory student throughput and is organized in a way that suits its academic activities.

After BAS addressed certain deficiencies in its systematic quality assurance work, the expert committee concluded that BAS now has satisfactory quality assurance. NOKUT has approved the accreditation application in accordance with the committee’s recommendations.

Accreditation as a university college means that the institution can now accredit its own bachelor-level programs.

When applying for institutional accreditation, NOKUT requires that the institution meets the criteria for accredited programs set out in the study supervision regulations. An expert committee assesses whether the requirements in the regulations from the Ministry of Education and NOKUT are satisfactorily met. The assessment is based on written documentation and site visits to the institution.

About Bergen School of Architecture (BAS)

Bergen School of Architecture (BAS) is a private university college offering one accredited program, a five-year master's in architecture. The school is organized as a foundation and was established in 1986. BAS was first granted examination rights under the Private Schools Act in 1990 and received state funding in 1996. In 2001, the architecture program was approved under the EU’s Architects Directive. At the time of application in 2023, BAS had approximately 165 students and 21 man-years.

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